Apple CEO Tim Cook Won’t Remove NRA from Apple TV

NRA Channel to Stay On Apple to Offer “Alternative View”

Original Post and Photo: SFGATE

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently stood up for his beliefs in the fundamentals of democracy when approached by gun control proponents to remove NRA TV from Apple TV. Cook relayed in an interview following the decision: “You can’t have democracy without discourse, that’s why the National Rifle Association’s channel is staying on Apple TV.”

The boycott of companies that stream NRA TV has come to surface following the Parkland shooting. When approached, Cook revealed that he, in fact, disliked the NRA’s position and tactics, but believed in the importance of offering a point of view from both sides of the issue for Apple. Cook also made it a point to clarify that the NRA channel is not directly streamed from Apple, but available on as an app download.

Read the original blog post from SFGATE here:

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