Sporting Goods Store Destroying Assault-Style Weapons
Feature and Original Post Here: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
When a retailer closes its door to selling a manufacturer’s products the process is to usually return unsold merchandise. However, When Dick’s Sporting Goods decided to no longer sell assault-style rifles at its Field and Stream stores they decided they would destroy the merchandise.
“We are in the process of destroying all firearms and accessories that are no longer for sale as a result of our February 28th policy change,” a spokeswoman told the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. This decision was made following the shooting at Parkland, Fla., high school. In addition Dick’s Sporting Goods plans to no longer sell high capacity magazines or sell firearms to anyone under 21 years old. This now has Dick’s facing two lawsuits for limiting firearm purchases by age.
The so called “assault-style weapons or rifles” is a term used to describe semi-automatic rifles with large magazines that were designed for combat and rapid fire use” – 1994 U.S. Department of Justice. These are also weapons described to feature a detachable magazine, pistol grips, and other accessories that make the rifle look like military rifles.
Read the full post here.